
Building Construction Commencement | Building Information Ireland - Part 3

€8.8m Airbnb HQ Office Building Construction Hanover Quay

By | Industry News

Airbnb HQ Office Building Construction


6-8 Hanover Quay
Grand Canal Dock
Dublin 2

Floor Area: 4,414 Sq M

Value: €8.8 Million

Airbnb HQ Office Building Construction

Planning permission for development on a site of c.1.952 hectares consisting of modifications to the existing warehouse buildings (comprising basements and ground floor totalling c. 3,629 sqm) to provide a new office use (class 3). The proposed development will include removal of internal walls and structures to provide an open plan office layout across 3 floors (2 storeys over lower ground floor with central atrium) Retention/repair/restoration of external facades and re-opening/extension of windows and other opes. Provision of a new roof structure with maximum ridge height of c+15.25m. Provision of a ground floor internal courtyard (c.106.4sqm) and 1st floor, south-facing balcony (c.7.2sqm) Provision of ESB substation & switch room (c.26sqm). Provision of 44 no. bicycle parking spaces. Total gross floor area of development is c.4,414sqm. All associated site development and landscaping works.

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For hundreds more opportunities like this register for your free 10 day trial today.  There’s no reason not to!

Target Investments Opportunites PLC

RKD Architects
59 Northumberland Rd
Dublin 4
01 6681055 | mail@rkdarchitects.com | www.rkd.ie

McGill Planning Ltd.
1st Floor
No. 7 Fitzwilliam Street Upper
Dublin 2
01 2846464 | info@mcgplanning.ie | www.mcgplanning.ie

Consulting Engineer
O’Connor Sutton Cronin
9 Prussia Street
Dublin 7
01 8682000 | ocsc@ocsc.ie | www.ocsc.ie

Bennett Construction Ltd.
Forest Park
044 9346000 | info@bennettconstruction.ie | www.bennettconstruction.ie

Publicly Funded Construction Projects

By | Industry News

Over 300 Publicly Funded Construction Projects Commenced

The image in this post shows the geographic location and construction project sector for over 300 publicly funded construction project commencements lodged in Ireland since January 1st 2015.  Density is seen around County Dublin as expected, however it is interesting to note the obvious volume of Education construction project schemes.  Full details on all of these projects including full project descriptions, values, key dates and companies as well as links to planning files are available to BuildingInfo subscribers and trials.  If you’re not already a subscriber feel free to avail of our free 10 day trial

Public Funded Construction Projects

Building Information Ireland research and publish data on all key construction projects activity in Ireland. Our team of project researchers is led by CEO Danny O’Shea. Our construction projects data is published online daily via our BuildingInfo web portal and we are also publishers of the Building Information Index and the National Housing Construction Index.

Industrial Construction – €6m GE Measurement & Control Extension Shannon

By | Industry News

10 day free trial


Units A-B
Shannon Free Zone East
Co. Clare

Floor Area: 6050 Sq M

Commencement Date: 08/09/2015

Value: €6 Million

hannon Commercial Properties General Electric Industrial Construction

Industrial Construction Extension: To extend existing light industrial unit. Works to include a large extension to the production floor area with office space over two floors together with associated site development works, services including car parking and diversion of existing land drain to the rear of site. Modifications to existing unit limited to demolition of existing external compressor building, re-cladding and reconfiguration of southern loading bay.

Shannon Commercial Properties
2nd Floor Arrivals Building
Shannon Airport
061712881 | carmel.cronin@shannonproperties.ie

Hassett Leyden & Associates
4 Bindon Street
Co. Clare
065 6828422 | hla@eircom.net

L & M Keating Ltd.
Kilrush Road
Co. Clare
065 9050090 | info@lmkeating.ie | www.lmkeating.ie

National Housing Construction Index Vol. 21 – Jan to Jun 2015

By | Industry News

Residential Construction sector remains positive

…despite dramatic drop in Self Build Housing Construction

New data from the National Housing Construction Index illustrates that in the first 2 quarters of 2015 a fall in activity in the residential construction sector when compared to 2014 has been seen. The main factor for the drop is the reduction in Self Build housing construction commencements, which fell by over -40% year on year.

Download Free – Link2Plans NHCI Vol 21

However, the medium term outlook for the housing construction sector is positive, with the latest edition of the National Housing Construction Index (NHCI) from Link2Plans showing that new housing planning applications increasing by+14% in the first six months of 2015 when compared to the same period in last year, but project commencements have fallen nationally by -26% year on year. Residential Construction planning applications The data contained in the National Housing Construction Index is aggregated by consultancy Link2Plans from real time planning and project information in every local authority area, with the latest edition of the National Housing Construction Index tracking every project from January through to June 2015, and comparing it with the same period in 2014. According to Danny O’Shea Managing Director of Link2Plans “Two very distinct themes have emerged in the Irish residential construction sector in the first half of 2015. Firstly, when compared to the same period in 2014, there has been consistent bi-monthly growth in the number of project applications which shows continued confidence in the sector. Secondly, commencements are down quite dramatically when compared to 2014 on account of the new building regulations introduced on 1st March of that year, which created a once off spike in the number of projects started.” “Commencements fell by -26% nationally in the first half of 2015 when compared to same period in 2014, with every county apart from Wicklow, recording a fall in the number of project commencements. Applications however have returned strong growth for the first six months of 2015 when compared to 2014, with a +24% increase and every county except Dublin recording a rise. A more accurate barometer of the recovery in the Irish residential construction sector is the +22% increase in the number of commencements in the first six months of 2015 when compared to the same period in 2013.” continued Danny O’Shea Managing Director of Link2Plans. Residential Construction Commencements Danny O’Shea Managing Director of Link2Plans said that “nationally, in the first half of 2015 the number of project commencements fell by 1,063 from 4,080 to 3,017 when compared with the same period in 2014, with Wicklow the only county to record an increase with +1%. The smallest year on year decreases were in Dublin (-3%), Kilkenny (-7%), Waterford (-10%) and Cavan (-11%).”

Applications up +14% nationally

Danny O’Shea Managing Director of Link2Plans said that “The number of planning applications in the first six months of 2015 rose by 893 from 6,503 to 7,396, representing an increase of +14% nationally year on year. Leitrim, Louth and Westmeath were the best performing counties for the first six months of 2015 when compared to 2014, recording growth of +74%, +66% and +48% respectively. Offaly (+43%), Louth (+43%), Donegal (+35%) and Longford (+32%) also returned significant increases while Dublin (-5%) was the only county to record a fall in the number of planning applications.”

Number of Multi-Unit Developments triple in two years

Project commencements can be divided into three categories including residential developments (multiple unit developments), one-off housing (self-build projects) and one-off housing extensions (self build extensions). Danny O’Shea Managing Director of Link2Plans said that “Another metric which points to the upward turn in the residential construction sector over the last two years is the huge increase in the number of multi-unit developments. For instance, for the whole of 2013, there were commencements for 72 multi-unit developments, while in the just the first half of 2015, the number has tripled with commencements for 232 projects.” The National Housing Construction Index is produced by a team of researchers at Link2Plans and it relates to all Planning Applications and Project Commencements throughout the months of January to June 2015 and gives a direct comparison with the same period in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. Link2Plans have produced this index bi-monthly and it has been the most accurate barometer of real time sentiment (planning applications) and actual residential construction activity (project commencements) including residential developments (multi-units), one-off housing (self-build) and one-off housing extensions. Link2Plans is Ireland’s premier housing construction research body and is a sister company of Building Information Ireland.

Construction Projects – Application to Commencement Durations

By | Industry News

According to the latest edition of the Building Information Index Vol. 2 Q1/Q2 2015 the average time it takes for  construction projects to move from Planning Application phase to Commencement is now standing at 74 weeks representing a 6% drop in duration times from end of Q1. Of the seven construction projects sectors examined by the Index, the Residential sector is the only one showing significant delays, currently at 139 weeks. As this sector represents such a large amount of the overall industry it is having a substantial effect on the total average.

Building Information Index


The Building Information Index is compiled from real time planning and construction projects data by a team of researchers at Building Information Ireland. The full Q1/Q2 index can be downloaded here.  Full details on all projects aggregated in the Index can be viewed on the BuildingInfo website.  A free 10 day trial is available.

100+ Dublin Construction Projects Commenced

By | Industry News

Dublin construction projects commenced with build value greater than €1m each – Q1 &Q2 2015

The image below is a visual representation of more than 100 construction projects with a build value in excess of €1m that commenced in Dublin during the first two quarters of 2015. The number of Residential construction projects on the map is an interesting highlight with density of commercial construction project increasing towards the city centre.

Construction Projects Dublin

Full details on all of the construction projects referenced on this visual are available on our website to subscribers or on our free 10 day trial. Building Information Ireland, based in Malahide Co. Dublin, researches and publishes construction project data for all of Ireland. Our subscribers have privileged access to 1000’s of researched construction project leads on a 24/7 basis via our online portal.

School Construction – Presentation Brothers College Extension, Mardyke, Cork

By | Industry News

Presentation Brothers College

Value: €200k

Floor Area: 280 Sq M

Commencement Notice: 24th August 2015

School Construction / Extension: To remove an existing pre-fabricated building and to construct a single storey locker room/entrance extension to the west of the existing gym and a single storey canteen extension to the east of the existing canteen, together with minor alterations to the existing pedestrian entrance including all associated site works.

MOS School construction

Murnane & O’Shea Ltd.
Co. Cork
027 50198 | info@mosgroup.ie | www.mosgroup.ie

KOBW Architects
Heron House
Blackpool Retail Park
021 450 2319 | arch@kobw.ie | www.kobw.ie

Presentation Brothers College
Co. Cork
021 4272743 | info@pbc-cork.ie | www.pbc-cork.ie

August 2015 – Construction Project Commencements

By | Industry News

75 Construction Project Commencements

The image below details the geographic distribution and main construction project sector of 75 construction project commencements that we currently have details on for August 2015.  All main construction project sectors are represented as the map points indicate.  The highest density of construction project commencements is naturally seen in the greater Dublin region – the largest construction project commencement in this dataset is a 154 unit Residential Development in West Co. Dublin which lodged a commencement notice for the 4th August.  Full details on all these schemes are available on our website and via our 10 day free trial.

Construction Project Commencements


Building Information Ireland publishes data on all construction project commencements, planning applications and decisions and construction tenders in Ireland. Our data covers all main construction sectors – residential, commercial & retail, industrial, medical, education, civil, social and agriculture.

Q1 & Q2 – 68 Medical Construction Commencements

By | Industry News

Following yesterday’s announcement that a new planning application was to be submitted for the development of the National Children’s Hospital at St. James’s in Dublin, the image below illustrates the geographical distribution of 68 Medical Construction projects commenced in the Republic of Ireland during Q1 & Q2. Notable densities around Cork and Dublin cities.

Medical Construction Commencements


Building Information Ireland was launched in 2015 and publishes data on all Medical construction projects on it’s simple to use and cost effective online project database.  Subscribers to BuildingInfo have access to literally hundreds of Medical construction projects, as well as projects in every other sector, including key contact details and project schedules.

A free 10 day trial is available on our website

Hospital Construction – €1.5m Mid Western Regional Hospital Co. Tipperary

By | Industry News

Mid Western Regional Hospital
Thurles Road
Co. Tipperary

Value: €1.5m

Commencement: 29th July 2015

The Hospital construction development proposed will consist of the refurbishment of existing ward accommodation to the south east of the hospital and the provision of a new single storey extension incorporating 16 no. single bed wards and ancillary accommodation all at ground floor level. The works shall include all ancillary, associated, enabling works and temporary provisions together with rerouting of a section of the existing campus access road. The development is proposed on a site which includes buildings listed as Protected Structures within the site curtilage

Manley Hospital Construction

O’ Connell Mahon Architects
9 Fitzwilliam Place
Dublin 2
01 6767408 | info@oconnellmahon.ie | www.oconnellmahon.ie

Health Service Executive – Mid Western Area
31-33 Catherine Street, Limerick
061 316655 | info@hse.ie | www.hse.ie

Manley Construction
Main Street
Duleek, Co. Meath
041 9823981 | info@manleyconstruction.com | www.manleyconstruction.com