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Construction & Planning Activity – September 2018

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Construction & planning activity by sector during September 2018. The table below outlines the volumes of projects either submitted for planning, granted planning permission or commenced construction.

  Applied Granted  Commenced
Agriculture Construction 124 128 31
Commercial Construction 139 133 45
Education Construction 55 35 39
Industrial Construction 84 56 24
Medical Construction 25 20 8
Residential Construction 288 151 48
Social Construction 98 77 19

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Industrial Construction Projects

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The image below shows that almost 300 Industrial Construction Projects have been submitted for planning permission since January 1st 2018.  The largest of these schemes is the €53 million Data Storage Facility in Arklow Co. Wicklow (ID 129930)

Industrial Construction Projects

Industrial Construction Projects submitted for planning in 2018

Through our dedicated research team at Building Information Ireland we research and publish details on all Industrial Construction Projects submitted for planning in all 32 counties.

Building Information Index – H1 2017

By | Industry News

Welcome to the latest volume of the Building Information Index

This volume of the Building Information Index provides insight and key analysis of activity in the construction industry for the first six months of 2017. It also provides an invaluable foresight as to what the remainder of 2017 and 2018 will bring. I hope you find it informative.

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In this volume actual activity to the end of June 2017 is compared to the same periods in 2016 and 2015. The analysis takes a close look at the construction industry broken down by region, funding source and sectors; Residential, Commercial & Retail, Medical, Education, Agriculture, Industrial and Social.



The total value of Construction Project Commencements grows by €969M (+26%) for the six months to end of June 2017

The value of construction project Commencements for the first six months of 2017 has grown by +26% when compared to the same period in 2016. This represents a continued trend of growth which is up +99% when compared to the same period in 2015. However, when broken down only three of the seven sectors examined actually registered growth. The increase is largely underpinned by the Residential sector which is up €1.14bn (+67%) followed by Agricultural (+102%) and Social (+53%). Industrial (-33%), Commercial & Retail (-4%), Educational (-12%), Medical (-10%) all recorded decreases in Commencements. On the postitive side all sectors still show an increase when compared to 2015.

Value of Applications rises

The value of construction project Applications rose by 11% to €9.69bn when compared to the first six months in 2016. This represents an increase of +27% when compared to the same period in 2015. Again this growth is driven by the Residential sector, the largest sector which is up +€1.41bn (+34%). The only other sector to show a growth is Social (+156%). The other five Commercial/Retail(-19%), Industrial(-16%), Medical(-30%), Education(-25%) and Agricultural(-14%) recorded decreases.

The Building Information Index is measured by factors that correlate with the phases in a construction project. The first is project Commencements which relate to projects that are in progress on-site and where construction activity has started. The second is Applications which are a real time barometer of sentiment in the construction sector and relate to all projects yet to be approved for planning. Thirdly we look at projects that have been granted permission. This shows projects that are further along in the cycle, and being approved, they show more short term potential in the market.

March 2017 – 820 Construction Projects Commence

By | Industry News

Analysis of Construction Projects Commenced during March 2017

  Sector   Total     Largest Project Commenced
  Agriculture   17   €2.1 M – Agricultural Development in Aglish, Co. Waterford
  Civil   11   €6.7 M – Dublin Airport Authority Extension
  Commercial 36   €39 M – Office Extension IDA Technology Park Waterford
  Education 28   €2.9 M – School Development Cosmona, Co. Galway
  Industrial 19   €11 M – Celtic Pure Factory Extension, Co. Monaghan
  Medical 11   €7.3 M – Bon Secours Care Village Extension, Co. Cork
  Residential 51   €100 M – Mixed Development in Carrigaline, Co. Cork
  Self-Build 637   450 Sq M – House & Garage Development in Kiltimagh, Co. Mayo
  Social 10   €2.2 M – Parish Church Extension in Kilternan, Co. Dublin


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Locations of largest commencements by sector – March 2017

Construction Projects

Q1 2017 – Granted Planning Permissions by Sector

By | Industry News

Examination of Granted Planning Permissions by sector during Q1 2017.  

Agriculture Consruction

Agriculture – 387 Granted Projects

Decrease of 197 v’s 2016

Commercial Construction

Commercial & Retail – 486 Granted Projects

Increase of 69 v’s 2016

Schools Construction

Education – 120 Granted Projects

Increase of 2 v’s 2016

Industrial Construction

Industrial – 179 Granted Projects

Increase of 42 v’s 2016

Hospital Construction

Medical – 58 Granted Projects

Decrease of 19 v’s 2016

Residential Construction

Residential – 432 Granted Projects

Increase of 109 v’s 2016

Social Construction

Social & Community – 225 Granted Projects

Increase of 90 v’s 2016

€850 Million Apple Data Centre Construction Project

By | Industry News

Recently approved by An Bord Pleanala

Co. Galway

Data Centre Construction Project

Build Value Estimate: €45 Million
Floor Area: 30,138 Sq M
Site Area: 197 Ha

Description: To construct the following: a 24,505sqm single storey data centre construction project, a 5232sqm single storey Logistics and Administration Building, a 289sqm single storey Maintenance Building, a 16sqm Security Hut and associated barriers, 2 number 48sqm Firbre Huts (max building eaves height = 10m), 18 external standby generators, all associated external plant, a 20kV Electricity Substation, contractor facilities, a main entrance including a new right turning land, internal access roads and associated infrastructure, proprietary waste water treatment plants including percolation areas, mains water connection, fire water storage tanks; rainwater harvesting, provision of fibre optic data connections, car parking (207 spaces, including 7 visitor spaces, 50 internal staff mobility spaces and disabled parking spaces), bike parking, an amenity walkway and associated parking, site levelling for a laydown area and a 220kV substation, 2.4m high perimeter security fencing, landscaping including supplement.

Apple Operations Europe
David O’Connell
Hollyhill Industrial Estate
Tadhg Barry Road
Co. Cork
021 4284000 | oconnell.d@apple.com

Corgan Associates
Lindsay Wilson
401 North Houston Street
TX 75202
001 2147482000 | lindsay.wilson@corgan.com | www.corgan.com

Corgan Associates
Lindsay Wilson
401 North Houston Street
TX 75202
001 2147482000 | lindsay.wilson@corgan.com | www.corgan.com

Consulting Engineer
ARUP Consulting Engineers
James Duggan
15 Oliver Plunkett Street
Co. Cork
021 4277670 | cork@arup.com | www.arup.com

Landscape Architect
Brady Shipman Martin (Dublin)
Dundrum Business Park
Dublin 14
01 2081911 | mail@bmsconsult.com | www.bradyshipmanmartin.com

McCarthy Keville O’Sullivan Ltd.
Block 1 G.F.S.C.
Moneenageisha Road
Co. Galway
091 735611 | mail@mccarthykos.ie | www.mccarthykos.ie

€12m Slane Castle Whiskey Distillery Construction Project

By | Industry News

Distillery Construction Project commenced on 4th January

Slane Castle Whiskey Distillery

Build Value: €12 Million

Floor Area: 4,586 Sq M.

Commencement: 4th January 2015

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The site is located within the Slane Castle Demesne Architectural Conservation Area. The development consists of amendments to the approved Planning Permission, (File Number SA130152). The previous application comprised the creation of a new whiskey distillery and visitor centre and associated development to be set within the existing two-storey East Stableyard, single storey West Courtyard, the East, Middle and West Farmyards and the Gardeners Cottage and Gardens. The site for the development is located approximately 110m to the north-west of Slane Castle. This application seeks permission for modifications to the previously granted development, plus new developments in the enlarged development area. The construction project development will consist of: At Blocks A & B, comprising the two-storey East Stableyard, the layout of the courtyard paving is to be changed, changes to the structures include minor modifications to external fire stairs, minor alterations to windows, internal and external doors, fire-rated partitions, and additional Distillation Condensers and vents to walls and roofs. At Block C, the approved extension to the East Stableyard, the modifications include the enlargement of the Column Still Room by (44m2) over three floors, internal modifications to the stair and lift shaft, external roof lights changed to clerestory windows, minor changes to location external doors, windows and vents. At Block D, the single storey West Courtyard, the modifications include minor changes to internal and external doors, internal partitions, new visitor’s toilet room, and relocated universal access toilet. At Block E, the Energy Centre/Co-Products Building, the modifications include the addition of a new single storey Boiler House of (92m2) to the east gable end with rooftop ventilation monitors, new basement of (47.5m2) under the north end, relocation of the entire Block E to the west by 2.4M, modification to the design of the roof at the south west corner, deeper basement levels for bunding, modifications to the external timber cladding and doors, and relocation of the adjacent underground water storage tanks and piping ducts. At Block F, the Spirit House, the modifications include changes to the internal layout of the former Calving Shed to accommodate staff facilities and the addition of new rooflights; modifications to the roof, rooflights and external cladding to the cask handling yard; …….

Slane Castle Irish Whiskey Ltd
Slane Castle
Co. Meath
041 982 0643 | www.slanecastle.ie

MESH Architects
Thomas McGimsey
11 Hume Street
Dublin 2
01 6393958 | info@hume.ie | www.mesh.ie

Duggan Brothers Construction
Co. Tipperary
0504 31311 | info@dugganbrothers.ie | www.dugganbrothers.ie

Casey O’Rourke Associates
John F Casey
77 Merrion Square
Dublin 2
01 6611100 | info@cora.ie | www.cora.ie

Quantity Surveyor
Austin Reddy & Company
14 The Seapoint Building
44-45 Clontarf Road
Dublin 3
01 8530400 | info@areddy.ie | www.areddy.ie

Locating Industrial Construction Projects

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How to target Industrial Construction Projects in less than 1 min

In this short clip we show you how to pinpoint high value Industrial Construction Projects in less than 1 min.  BuildingInfo is a well designed and easy to use sales resource for companies looking to do business in the Irish construction industry. Within a few clicks you can get access to 1000’s of researched construction project leads in your sector.



BuildingInfo construction projects data is compiled by a team of qualified researchers.  Our database is updated in real time and available to you instantly via our web portal – a free 10 day trial is available.