
new housing developments Ireland - Building Information Ireland - Page 2

€7.6m Residential Development in Co. Dublin

By | Industry News

43 Units Residential Development Granted

Description: Construction of 43 residential units to comprise the following : 14 no. three storey four bed
semi detached houses; 10 no. two storey three bed semi detached houses; 10 no. two storey three bed end
terrace houses; 8 no. two storey three bed mid terrace houses and 1 no. two storey three bed detached
house all with on curtilage carparking; it is proposed to construct a new entrance to the development in the
south west of the site from Temple Manor Grove through the existing public open space in that area and to
also provide a pedestrian/cyclist connection to the development from the existing cul de sac adjacent to
Temple Manor Way; the works will also include all associated landscaping and site works; the provision of
visitor carparking spaces; the construction of a surface water attenuation area and the provision of
connections to existing services within the Temple Manor development on lands taken in charge by South
Dublin County Council.

Site: formerly part of the St. Paul’s
Campus, bounded by St. Paul’s
School and Temple Manor,
Greenhills, Dublin 12

Value: €7.6 Million
Granted Date: 02/03/15
Units: 43

Greene Residential Construction

McCrossan O’Rourke Manning Architects
4 Adelaide Court, Adelaide Road, Dublin 2
01 478 8700

Jackie Greene Construction Ltd.
48 Fortfield Park, Dublin 6W
01 4902436

Jackie Greene Construction Ltd.
48 Fortfield Park, Dublin 6W
01 4902436