
new housing developments Ireland | Building Information Ireland

Major construction of €62 million Palmerstown build-to-rent development begins

By | Industry News

Major construction has begun in Palmsterstown on a €62 million development that originally started site work last May.

The building of Block C and E of a strategic housing development at lands on Palmerstown Retail Park, Kennelsfort Road Lower, Palmerstown, Dublin 20 kicked off this month.

Although work originally began in May 28 last year, work on the first two blocks has only begun.

All in all, the development will see the creation of 250 “build to rent” apartments as well as a café and other residential facilities.

Block C will provide 47 of these apartments, 30 of which are one-beds and 17 which are two-beds.

The building will be six storeys high over a basement.

Palmerstown Build To Rent

Credit: Digital Dimensions

Block E, at eight storeys, will contain 63 apartments in total, 40 of which will be one-beds and 23 two-beds.

The development will consist of five blocks in total.

Block A will have 27 apartments ranging from three to six storeys over the basement and a communal roof garden on the third floor. Most apartments in the block will have both private balconies or terraces.

Block B is set to hold 46 apartments — comprising 18 one-beds and 28 two-beds at six storeys over the basement in height. All apartments will be provided with private balconies or terraces.

Palmerstown Build To Rent

Credit: Digital Dimensions

Block D will contain the most apartments with 67 at seven storeys in height. Of these dwellings, 33 will be one-beds and 34 will be two beds. Most apartments in this block will have private balconies or terraces.

The works will see the entire demolition of all existing structures on site.

The development will also include upgrades to vehicular and pedestrian/cyclist access to Kennelsfort Road Lower and landscaping consisting of play equipment and upgrades to the public realm.

While Randelswood Holdings Ltd submitted plans for the development, the McGrath Group is the main contractor of the project.

The property development group recorded profits of €5 million last year.

Palmerstown Build To Rent

Credit: McGrath Group

While work at the Palmerstown site began in 2021, commencements for that year remained static when compared to 2020.

The Building Information Index 2021 Q1-Q4 saw commencements stagnate at €10.5 billion – no change from 2020 and a 10% decrease from 2019.

However, cautious optimism is on the cards for the sector with residential planning applications up 54% in 2021.

This substantial rise is largely attributed to the number of Strategic Housing Development applications submitted in the later months of 2022.

Sunday Business Post Investigates the Housing Crisis

By | Industry News

“Data from Building Information Ireland shows scale of challenge…”

In the article featured in today’s Sunday Business Post Michael Brennan and Fearghal O’Connor look at how Ireland’s labyrinthine planning system, rising rents and changing demographics are contributing to the housing crisis and investigate if these problems be fixed? Sunday Business Post The article examines how in recent years, the building industry industry in Ireland was on its knees. However now, demand for housing is increasing rapidly, but supply is lacking? Right across Dublin there are sites with planning permission – sites where developers could build the homes needed to meet demand and solve the housing crisis. But the number of homes built in the capital in the first nine months of 2015 fell 14 per cent to 2,057. It raises the question: what is going wrong? The Sunday Business Post spoke to builders, housing experts and top officials in all four Dublin councils, to investigate the housing crisis. Data provided by planning information resource Building Information Ireland shows the scale of the challenge. Even when builders get planning permission, it still takes them more than three years to complete a home. But a soon-to-be-published third quarter study by Building Information Ireland suggests the situation may have improved in recent weeks. There were planning applications for 14,600 housing units in Dublin up to the end of last September, a 97 per cent increase on the previous period last year. According to Building Information Ireland chief executive Danny O’Shea, there were also 5,048 housing units under construction up to the end of last September, which was up 75 per cent from the same period in 2014. But this is still well short of the average of 7,000 to 8,000 new homes per year which the Housing Agency estimates is needed to meet demand in Dublin up to 2018.

Housing crisis

  • 14.4% – Fewer homes built in first 9 months 2015 compared to same period 2014
  • 139 Weeks – Time it takes housing projects to go from planning application to construction
  • 41.3% – Of units in Fingal and South Dublin with planning permission deemed not viable
  • 3,521 – Units where planning will expire in 2016
  • 4,118 – Units where planning has expired or will expire in 2015
  • 26,751 – The number of homes in Dublin area with planning permission
  • 2,057 – Number of homes built in the first nine months of this year
  • 43% – Proportion of completed homes delivered by NAMA last year

Full article is available here to read

Housing Construction – Highland Radio Interview with Danny

By | Industry News

Donegal Housing Construction Sector Discussed

In this interview with Highland Radio recorded earlier this week CEO Danny O’Shea discusses the latest figures from the National Housing Construction Index and reveals that sentiment in the Donegal construction sector in remains positive as planning applications rose by 35% in the first six months of 2015 when compared to same period in 2014. Highland Radio Housing Construction Interview However, Danny does point to the fact that despite the positive outlook, there has been a drop in activity in the housing construction sector in Donegal with project commencements down by 54% in the first half of this year but this is largely due to the change in regulations at the beginning of 2014 which resulted in an over inflation of commencements during that period.

National Housing Construction Index Vol. 21 – Jan to Jun 2015

By | Industry News

Residential Construction sector remains positive

…despite dramatic drop in Self Build Housing Construction

New data from the National Housing Construction Index illustrates that in the first 2 quarters of 2015 a fall in activity in the residential construction sector when compared to 2014 has been seen. The main factor for the drop is the reduction in Self Build housing construction commencements, which fell by over -40% year on year.

Download Free – Link2Plans NHCI Vol 21

However, the medium term outlook for the housing construction sector is positive, with the latest edition of the National Housing Construction Index (NHCI) from Link2Plans showing that new housing planning applications increasing by+14% in the first six months of 2015 when compared to the same period in last year, but project commencements have fallen nationally by -26% year on year. Residential Construction planning applications The data contained in the National Housing Construction Index is aggregated by consultancy Link2Plans from real time planning and project information in every local authority area, with the latest edition of the National Housing Construction Index tracking every project from January through to June 2015, and comparing it with the same period in 2014. According to Danny O’Shea Managing Director of Link2Plans “Two very distinct themes have emerged in the Irish residential construction sector in the first half of 2015. Firstly, when compared to the same period in 2014, there has been consistent bi-monthly growth in the number of project applications which shows continued confidence in the sector. Secondly, commencements are down quite dramatically when compared to 2014 on account of the new building regulations introduced on 1st March of that year, which created a once off spike in the number of projects started.” “Commencements fell by -26% nationally in the first half of 2015 when compared to same period in 2014, with every county apart from Wicklow, recording a fall in the number of project commencements. Applications however have returned strong growth for the first six months of 2015 when compared to 2014, with a +24% increase and every county except Dublin recording a rise. A more accurate barometer of the recovery in the Irish residential construction sector is the +22% increase in the number of commencements in the first six months of 2015 when compared to the same period in 2013.” continued Danny O’Shea Managing Director of Link2Plans. Residential Construction Commencements Danny O’Shea Managing Director of Link2Plans said that “nationally, in the first half of 2015 the number of project commencements fell by 1,063 from 4,080 to 3,017 when compared with the same period in 2014, with Wicklow the only county to record an increase with +1%. The smallest year on year decreases were in Dublin (-3%), Kilkenny (-7%), Waterford (-10%) and Cavan (-11%).”

Applications up +14% nationally

Danny O’Shea Managing Director of Link2Plans said that “The number of planning applications in the first six months of 2015 rose by 893 from 6,503 to 7,396, representing an increase of +14% nationally year on year. Leitrim, Louth and Westmeath were the best performing counties for the first six months of 2015 when compared to 2014, recording growth of +74%, +66% and +48% respectively. Offaly (+43%), Louth (+43%), Donegal (+35%) and Longford (+32%) also returned significant increases while Dublin (-5%) was the only county to record a fall in the number of planning applications.”

Number of Multi-Unit Developments triple in two years

Project commencements can be divided into three categories including residential developments (multiple unit developments), one-off housing (self-build projects) and one-off housing extensions (self build extensions). Danny O’Shea Managing Director of Link2Plans said that “Another metric which points to the upward turn in the residential construction sector over the last two years is the huge increase in the number of multi-unit developments. For instance, for the whole of 2013, there were commencements for 72 multi-unit developments, while in the just the first half of 2015, the number has tripled with commencements for 232 projects.” The National Housing Construction Index is produced by a team of researchers at Link2Plans and it relates to all Planning Applications and Project Commencements throughout the months of January to June 2015 and gives a direct comparison with the same period in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. Link2Plans have produced this index bi-monthly and it has been the most accurate barometer of real time sentiment (planning applications) and actual residential construction activity (project commencements) including residential developments (multi-units), one-off housing (self-build) and one-off housing extensions. Link2Plans is Ireland’s premier housing construction research body and is a sister company of Building Information Ireland.

€5.3m Summerhill Lane Residential Construction Development Portlaoise

By | Industry News


Summerhill Lane
Co. Laois

No. Units: 30

Total Floor Area: 4110 Sq M

Planning Granted: 03/09/15

10 day free trial

Residential construction of 30 no. semi-detached houses (137.2 sq.m) together with associated roads,drainage infrastructure,fencing,general site works and landscaping.

Aston Homes Ltd.
Frank Fahey Centre
Naas Road
Dublin 12
1800 495 969 | info@astonhomes.biz | www.astonhomes.biz

Kilgallen and Partners Consulting Engineers Ltd
Kylekiproe, Well Road
Co. Laois
info@kilgallen.ie | www.kilgallen.ie

Consultant Engineer
Kilgallen and Partners Consulting Engineers Ltd
Kylekiproe, Well Road
Co. Laois
info@kilgallen.ie | www.kilgallen.ie

€8.8m Residential Construction Development Douglas Co. Cork

By | Industry News


Co. Cork

No. Units: 30

Total Floor Area: 6807 Sq M

Planning Granted: 4th September 2015

10 day free trial

Residential construction development consisting of 30 no. dwelling houses and all associated ancillary development works including vehicular access, parking, footpaths, drainage (including pumping station), landscaping and amenity areas (change of layout and increase in residential density from that permitted under Planning Ref. No. 06/12470 and An Bórd Pleanala Ref. No. Pl 04.224596)

Into The Future Ltd.
3b Corrin Court
Cork Road, Fermoy

McCutcheon Halley Walsh
6 Joyce House
Barrack Square
Ballincollig, Co. Cork
021 4208710 | info@mhwplanning.ie | www.mhwplanning.ie

Cunnane Stratton Reynolds
3 Molesworth Place
Dublin 2
01 6610419 | info@csrlandplan.ie | www.csrlandplan.ie

Consultant Engineer
JODA Engineering Consultants
Model Farm Road
021 4544244 | engineers@joda.ie | www.joda.ie

€18m Griffith Avenue Residential Construction Development Dublin 9

By | Industry News


Griffith Avenue
Dublin 9
Co. Dublin

No. Units: 101

Total Floor Area: 13898 Sq M

Planning Granted: 7th September 2015

10 day free trial

The residential construction development at this 3.065ha site will consist of: – 101 no. residential units, comprising 12 no. 5 bed units, 12 no. 4 bed units, 55 no. 3 bed units and 22 no. of 2 bed apartments; – The dwelling units are to be provided as follows: 28 no. units of house types 1A to 1C consisting of 2 storey 3 bed terraced houses of c. 117 sq.m; 14 no. units of house types 2A to 2B consisting of 2.5 storey, 3 bed semi-detached houses of c. 116 sq.m; 11 no. units of house types 3A to 3B consisting of 2 storey, 3 bed semi detached houses of c. 115-117 sq.m; 1 no. house type 3C consisting of a 2-storey detached house of 115 sq.m; 1 no. of house type 3D consisting of a 2-storey, 3 bed semi-detached house of c. 115 sq.m; 12 no. of house type 4A and 4B consisting of 2.5 storey, 4 bed with study semi-detached houses of c. 173-179 sq.m; 12 no. of house type 5A to 5C consisting of 2.5 storey, 5 bedroom with study detached houses of 181 to 184 sq.m; – The 22 no. apartments are provided in a 4 storey block.

Argentum Property Holdings One Ltd.
Office G03 Fitzwilliam Business Centre
77 Sir John Rogerson’s Quay
Dublin 2

O’Mahony Pike Architects
Old Chapel Building
Mount St. Annes
Milltown, Dublin 6
01 2027400 | info@omparchitects.com | www.omparchitects.com

John Spain Associates
50 Upper Mount Street
Dublin 2
01 6625803 | info@johnspainassociates.com | www.johnspainassociates.com

Dermot Foley Landscape Architects
Argus House
Malpas Street
Dublin 8
01 4545148 | info@dermotfoley.com | www.dermotfoley.com

€15m Archerstown Demesne Residential Construction Development

By | Industry News


Archerstown Demesne
Co. Meath

No. Units: 94

Total Floor Area: 11292 Sq M

Planning Granted: 8th September 2015

10 day free trial

For permission on part of already approved site (Parent Planning Permission An Bord Pleanala PL 17.210615 & Meath Co. Co. Reg. Ref. DA/30397). The residential construction development will consist of the construction of 94 no. dwellings comprising 78 no. 2 storey, 3 bedroom semi-detached dwellings (Type A), 14 no. 2 storey, 4 bedroom semi-detached dwellings (Type B) and 2 no. 2 storey, 3 bedroom detached dwellings (Type C) and all associated works on serviced sites constructed under PL 17.210615 (reg. ref. DA/30397) with vehicular and pedestrian access from existing internal estate road all on subject site area of circa. 2.96 ha./7.33 ac. This residential construction development will result in a total no. of units within Archerstown Demesne of 136 (a reduction of 1 no. unit from that previously approved).

Terry & O’ Flanagan Ltd.
Unit F1 Centrepoint Business Park
Oak Road
Dublin 12
01 4659949 | tof@tof.ie

Mullen Developments Ltd.
6C The Court
Ashbourne Industrial Estate
Ashbourne, Co. Meath
01 8353087

Precision Surveys
01 8406252 | info@precisionsurveys.ie | www.precisionsurveys.ie

Residential Construction Overview

By | Industry News

Over 340 Residential Developments Granted Permission

In the first 6 months of 2015 we have seen over 340 Multi-unit Residential Construction Developments granted planning permission, in addition to this almost 500 new applications have been submitted for Multi-unit Residential Construction projects.  A further 180 Residential Construction projects have commenced construction during the same period.  Despite the positive sentiment in the volume of new applications being submitted to local authorities, the 142 week time lag from application to commencement, as outlined in the Building Information Index, highlights one of the issues that the housing sector is currently grappling with.

Over 340 Residential Developments in the Republic of Ireland granted planning permission in first 6 months of 2015

Residential construction permissions


Building Information Ireland research and publish data on all Residential Construction projects throughout Ireland.  Our researched data also includes all other major construction sectors.  More information is available on our website and via our free 10 day trial

€38m Residential Construction Development in Co. Dublin

By | Industry News

225 Unit Residential Construction Project Commences

The proposal is for a residential development consisting of 225 no. dwelling units, including vehicular access from Road, all associated site and infrastructural works including foul and surface water drainage, surface car parking, public open spaces measuring 2.45 ha, landscaping, boundary walls and fences, roads, cycle-paths and footpaths all on a site area of approximately 9.38 hectares. The relocation of the previously approved foul pumping station and associated access road is also proposed. The development consists of 171 no. houses and 54 no. apartments.

Value: €38 Million
Start Date: 06/2015
Units: 225

Site:  Diswellstown, Castleknock, Dublin 15

John Spain Residential Construction

John Spain Associates
50 Upper Mount Street
Dublin 2
Co. Dublin
01 6625803

Cherryfield Courts Ltd
The Herbert Building
The Park
Dublin 18

O’Mahony Pike Architects
Old Chapel Building
Mount St. Annes
Dublin 6
01 2027400

Consultant Engineer
Herbert House
Harmony Row
Dublin 2
01 4004000

Brady Shipman Martin (Dublin)
Dundrum Business Park
Dublin 14
01 2081911