
School construction information | Building Information Ireland

Construction of 20 new school buildings set for 2022 and 2023

By | Upcoming Construction Projects

The Department of Education confirmed that the construction of 20 large school buildings is set to commence in 2022 and 2023.

The project will see 12 new builds and eight extensions for schools across eight counties, securing in excess of 14,000 permanent school places.

The majority of projects will take place in post-primary schools in preparation for peak enrolment numbers in 2024/25.

All builds are based in areas that have seen significant population growth over the last number of years, including Co Wicklow, Co Kilkenny and Co Westmeath.

Minister for Education Norma Foley TD confirmed that the first phase of the process has concluded with five design and build (D&B) contractors selected for the task.

Overseen by the National Development Finance Agency (NDFA), the 20 school building projects will be delivered in three distinct bundles: Project Nore, Project Boyne and Project Dargle.

Subject to planning permissions, it is hoped that all three schemes will proceed to tender and ultimately construction throughout 2022 and 2023.

“The rollout of these projects to tender and construction is an important aspect of the Department’s overall delivery under the Government’s National Development Plan 2021 to 2030,” Minister Foley said.

“They will assist in delivering on the provision of modern and sustainable infrastructure for the schools sector.”

She acknowledged the work from school, communities, the NDFA and other stakeholders in driving forward this major programme.

Keeping in line with pledges made in the National Development Plan 2021 to 2030, the upcoming projects will oversee the construction of over 50 special classrooms.

It also includes new and modern facilities for 22 classrooms in two special schools.

“I am pleased that this programme will provide significant additional provision for children with special education needs at post-primary level and in special schools,” Minister of State for Special Education and Inclusion Josepha Madigan said.

“This will be an important feature for post-primary school projects generally given the need to enhance our capacity to deliver provision for children with special educational needs at post-primary level.”

A list of the 20 projects can be read below.


New build replacement school for Presentation De La Salle in Bagnelstown. It is projected to enrol 750 students after project completion and will include two special needs classrooms.


A new build replacement school for St. Mark’s Special School in Newbridge, including 14 classrooms.

New build replacement school for Patrician Post Primary in Newbridge, including four classrooms for children with special educational needs. It is projected to enrol 1,000 students.

An extension and refurbishment to Cross & Passion, Kilcullen, including four classrooms for children with special educational needs. It is projected to enrol 1,000 students.

New build replacement school for St Mary’s Girls’ Post Primary in Naas including four classrooms for children with special needs. It is projected to enrol 1,000 students.


New build replacement school for Kilkenny CBS, including two classrooms for children with special educational needs. It is projected to enrol 1,000 students.

New build replacement school for Presentation Secondary School, including two classrooms for children with special educational needs. It is projected to enrol 1,000 students.

New build replacement school for St. Canice’s N.S, including 24 classrooms with two for children with special educational needs.


New build replacement school for Franciscan College in Gormanstown, including four classrooms for children with special educational needs.


New build replacement school for Gaelscoil Charraig Na Siuire with eight classrooms.


An extension and refurbishment of St. Finian’s, Mullingar, including two classrooms for children with special educational needs. It is projected to enrol 1,000 students.

A new build of eight classrooms for St. Mary’s Special School, Mullingar to facilitate the transfer of existing school from Delvin to Mullingar.

An extension and refurbishment of St. Joseph’s Secondary School in Rochfortbridge, including four classrooms for children with special educational needs. It is projected to enrol 1,000 students.

An extension and refurbishment of Castlepollard Community College, including two classrooms for children with special educational needs. It is projected to enrol 350 students.

An extension to Moate Community School, including four classrooms for children with special educational needs. It is projected to enrol 1,000 students.


An extension to Coláiste Chraobh Abhann in Kilcoole, including four classrooms for children with special educational needs. It is projected to enrol 1,000 students.

An extension to St Kevin’s Community College including four classrooms for children with special educational needs. It is projected to enrol 1,000 students.

An extension & refurbishment of Wicklow Avondale Community College in Rathdrum including four classrooms for children with special educational needs. It is projected to enrol 1,000 students.

New build replacement school for Arklow CBS which includes two new classrooms for children with special educational needs. It is projected to enrol 500 students.

New build replacement school for Coláiste Bhríde in Carnew including four classrooms for children with special educational needs. It is projected to enrol 1,000 students.

School Construction – Presentation Brothers College Extension, Mardyke, Cork

By | Industry News

Presentation Brothers College

Value: €200k

Floor Area: 280 Sq M

Commencement Notice: 24th August 2015

School Construction / Extension: To remove an existing pre-fabricated building and to construct a single storey locker room/entrance extension to the west of the existing gym and a single storey canteen extension to the east of the existing canteen, together with minor alterations to the existing pedestrian entrance including all associated site works.

MOS School construction

Murnane & O’Shea Ltd.
Co. Cork
027 50198 | info@mosgroup.ie | www.mosgroup.ie

KOBW Architects
Heron House
Blackpool Retail Park
021 450 2319 | arch@kobw.ie | www.kobw.ie

Presentation Brothers College
Co. Cork
021 4272743 | info@pbc-cork.ie | www.pbc-cork.ie

Construction Tender – €6.3m Saint Patrick’s Special School in Co. Wexford

By | Industry News

Upper Drumgold
Co. Wexford

Value: €6.3m

Floor area: 5926 Sq M

Tender Deadline: 15th September 2015

Construction Tender: a new school building for Saint Patrick’s Special School, Enniscorthy. The development will consist of a new part three-storey building of 5926m2, containing 20 Classrooms, Junior and Senior Dining Areas, General Purposes Hall, Library, Specialist Teaching Rooms for Art, Music, Daily Living Skills, Computers, Home Economics, Woodwork and Horticulture, Multi-Sensory rooms, Physiotherapy and Occupational therapy areas, Therapy and Treatment rooms, Nurses’s area, kitchen, ancillary storage and services. Access via existing entrance and exit onto Upper Drumgold, no works proposed to Protected Stone Boundary Wall. Site works to include internal school access road, bus pick up/set down area with covered canopy, 92 car parking spaces for staff and visitors, ball- court, external classrooms, external dining area, school gardens, play areas, landscaping and site services, all at Upper Drumgold, Enniscorthy, County Wexford.

Department of Education & Skills
Portlaoise Road
Tullamore, Co. Offaly
057 9324300 | www.education.ie

Department of Education & Skills
Portlaoise Road
Tullamore, Co. Offaly
057 9324300 | www.education.ie

Stephen Diamond Associates
68 Pearse Street
Dublin 2
01 6775670 | mail@sdacla.ie | www.sdacla.ie

€1.7m St. Brendan’s National School Construction Development in Co. Kerry

By | Industry News
Blennerville School Construction Well Underway

Works progressing well at St. Brendan’s National School, Blennerville, Co. Kerry. Ned O’Shea & Sons Construction Ltd. started work on this towards the end of last year. Our well travelled researcher Ciara picked up some nice shots earlier today.  Nice work Ciara!

St. Brendan's National School 2

St. Brendan's National School 4

Some contact details on this project from our school construction projects database at www.buildinginfo.com

Department of Education & Skills
Portlaoise Road
Co. Offaly
057 9324300 | www.education.ie

Michael Williams Associates
Radio Kerry Centre
066 7125888 | mwa@mwa.ie | www.mwa.ie

Consultant Engineer
Malachy Walsh & Partners
The Elm Suite
Loughmore Centre
Raheen Business Park
061 480164 | limerick@mwp.ie | www.mwp.ie

Ned O’Shea & Sons Construction Ltd.
Rock Business Centre
Rock Street
066 7121240 | info@nedoshea.com | www.nedoshea.com

School Construction – €3m New School In Tallaght Co. Dublin

By | Industry News

Lands adjacent to Hazelgrove Estate
Dublin 24

Floor area: 2841 Sq M

Value: €3m

Commencement: 20th July 2015

New two storey school construction (Scoil Caitlin Maude) comprising 18 classrooms; a general purpose room with servery, library and resource area, special education rooms, multipurpose room and other ancillary accommodation with a total floor area of c. 2795sq.m.; proposed site works to include provision for 30 no. car parking spaces including accessible parking; drop off facilities; an in-out one way internal access road; 2 no. bicycle racks; external store; 2 no. ballcourts; junior play area; grass play; soft and hard landscaping; an ESB sub-station; new boundary treatment and associated site engineering works.

Western Build School Construction

Western Building Systems Ltd
11 Mountjoy Road
00440 2887740740 | contact@westernbuild.com | www.westernbuild.com

Mullarkey Pedersen Architects
Balliniska Road
Derry City
028 71363773 | info@mparchitects.net | www.mparchitects.net

Department of Education & Skills
Portlaoise Road
Co. Offaly
057 9324300 | www.education.ie

Quantity Surveyor
Healy Kelly Turner & Townsend
The Cove Centre
Dunmore Road
051 875811 | michael.hamill@hktt.ie | www.turnerandtownsend.com

Stephen Diamond Associates
68 Pearse Street
Dublin 2
01 6775670 | mail@sdacla.ie | www.sdacla.ie

Consultant Engineer
Malone O’Regan Consulting Engineers
St Catherine’s House
Catherine Street
Co. Waterford
051 876855 | info@waterfordmorce.ie | www.maloneoregan.ie