Work Begins On New €49m Dublin HQ for Deloitte

Deloitte has started work on their new headquarters in Dublin city.

Work kicked off in June with the demolition of the existing office development on the Dublin 2 site – an eight-storey L-shaped office block and carpark.

No other work has started yet but the future will see the erection of a new building complete with retail and cafe use as well as a community facility at 1 Adelaide Road.

The structure will range in height from four storeys at the rear, facing through Albert Terrace and Albert Place West, then a setback of six to eight storeys and finally a nine to ten-storey setback at the entrance, facing Harcourt Road and Adelaide Road.

The building will reach an upper parapet height of 41.47m.

It will cost an estimated €49 million in total.

External terraces will face Albert Terrace and Albert Place West (on the fourth floor) as well as Peter Place and Albert Place West (on the sixth floor).

A wrap-around terrace will circle the eighth floor and the ninth floor has a terrace facing Harcout Road and Peter Place.

In line with hybrid working trends, the car park will be downsized from the original 51 spaces down to just 24 spaces. This will be found at the basement level, accessed via a car lift off Albert Place West.

In lieu of extra car spaces, 289 bicycle spaces will be provided (including cargo bike and accessible spaces and 12 visitor spaces).

The office will also be located on the green Luas line at the Harcourt stop.

Irish Life Assurance Plc put forward plans for the new office in January 2023.

Dublin City Council gave them the go-ahead in June of that year with work officially beginning a year later.

Deloitte’s Dublin branch currently hires upward of 1,800 people.

Feature Image Credit: RKD