
SHD | Building Information Ireland

Construction underway for €66m, 276 unit housing development in Cork

By | Industry News

Construction of the €66 million Strategic Housing Development (SHD) in Ardrostig and Waterfall Road, Co Cork has officially kicked off.

This month, work began on the building of 28 homes at Ardarostig, Waterfall Road, Co Cork.

These are the first of 276 residential units planned at the site – 136 houses, 99 apartments and 40 duplexes.

Of the houses, there are set to be 40 two-storey, three-bedroom semi-detached houses, 12 two-storey, three-bedroom detached houses, 56 two-storey, three-bedroom terraced houses, 14 two-storey, four-bedroom semi-detached houses and 15 three-storey, four-bedroom terraced houses.

The apartments and duplexes will be across seven blocks ranging from three to five storeys with a total of 54 one-bed apartments, 65 two-beds and 20 three-beds.

One block (Block 5 in plans) is to provide a café (147 sq. m) fronting Waterfall Road at ground floor level.

Credit: 3D Design Bureau

This month, work began on the building of 28 homes at Ardarostig, Waterfall Road, Co Cork of the of the €66 million Strategic Housing Development (SHD). Credit: 3D Design Bureau

As part of the development, a single-storey creche (271 sq. m) is included in the plans.

The development will also provide new vehicular access and pedestrian entrances onto Waterfall Road, a two-way cycle track and pedestrian footpath.

Provisions have been made for a road to extend the existing pedestrian pathway, a pelican crossing on Waterfall Road and an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing at the Heiton Buckley/Audi Cork entrance junction to the site.

Developers Ardstone Homes Limited had put forward a planning application for the SHD in May 2021, with approval granted with conditions in September of that year.

An Bord Pleanála ruled that although granting permission to the site “would materially contravene specific local objective SE-R-10 in permitting a density of 38.7 units per hectares, in excess of the Medium B densitv range outlined in the Local Area Plan”, it would be justified due to the “national importance” in its delivery of building housing and the Project Ireland National Planning Framework.

Nearly two years on from the approval date, work officially started on July 20 this year.

Feature Image Credit: 3D Design Bureau

Credit: 3D Design Bureau

Construction to begin of €97million co-living space in Dublin

By | Upcoming Construction Projects

Construction is set to begin for the €97 million co-living space at the Old Glass Factory on Cork Street in Co Dublin.

Work on a part four to part seven-storey building over basement with 377 bedspaces will commence on July 3.

Of these bed spaces, 357 are to be single occupancy rooms, eight are to be single occupancy accessible rooms and six will be double occupancy rooms with circulation cores.

A communal kitchen, living and dining room will be on each floor to serve residents.

On the ground floor, a café will be constructed alongside a communal residential amenity space which will also be at the basement level.

Credit: 3D Design Bureau

Construction is set to July 3 for the €97 million co-living space at the Old Glass Factory on Cork Street in Co Dublin. Credit: 3D Design Bureau

This amenity space includes provisions for a reception/shared communal area, a communal lounge/social room, a cinema and yoga space, a gymnasium and a library and workspaces.

Resident support facilities such as a laundry, a post room, accessible toilets at ground floor level, a staff room, a bin store and landscaped amenity gardens will be provided.

From the first to the fourth floor, an external balcony/terrace facing south will be accessed from the communal living, kitchen and dining rooms.

On the fifth floor, there will be a roof garden facing north, south and west as well as a balcony/terrace facing south.

Another balcony/terrace facing south will be on the sixth floor.

The development also proposed a pedestrian connection between Cork Street and John Street South along the eastern boundary and car, motorcycle and bicycle parking spaces.

Although co-living schemes are now banned, planning approval was obtained before the official ban came into place in December 2020.

Approval was granted by An Bord Pleanála on the condition that the number of units be reduced to 19.

The development received several objections from both local residents and councillors.

Work officially commenced in December 2022 with the demolition of existing buildings including 118-122 Cork Street and all associated outbuildings.

Feature Image Credit: 3D Design Bureau