Fingal County Council has lodged plans for two expansive social housing developments in North Dublin.
The county council is looking to build 449 new homes across Swords and Donabate.
The projects will cost around €99 million, with plans applied in the last month.
The largest residential development is hoped to be constructed in Swords.
At €60 million, the plan would deliver 274 homes in Mooretown – 187 houses and 87 duplex and apartment units.

The largest residential development is hoped to be constructed in Swords — the €60 million project will build 274 homes. Credit: Credit: 3D Design Bureau
Ranging from two to five storeys, there will be 18 one-beds, 109 two-beds, 128 three-beds and 19 four-beds.
Fingal County Council also seeks the provision of Class 2 Open Space of 18,065 sq.m including riparian corridors and eight pocket parks with a total area of 2,950 sq.m.
New pedestrian and cycle connections are also planned to the west with 415 car parking spaces (357 residential and 58 short-stay) and 1,143 bicycle parking spaces (1,117 residential and 26 short-stay).
The Donabate development is smaller – costing €39 million for 175 homes.
It is proposed for a site on New Road with 123 houses and 52 apartments.
The houses will range part-one storey to two storeys in height – with 30 two-beds, 82 three-beds and 11 four-beds.
The 52 apartments will include 26 one-beds, 20 two-beds and six three-beds in a single block, from one to four storeys in height.

The Donabate development is smaller – costing €39 million for 175 homes. Credit: 3D Design Bureau
Private amenity spaces such as gardens, balconies and terraces will be provided for the homes.
A single-storey creche (with outdoor play area and external stores) is planned for residents.
The development will include two new multi-modal entrances as well as connections to existing or under-construction residential developments to the east and north of the site.
The project envisions 139 car parking spaces, four set-down bays as well as motorcycle and bicycle parking.
A public open space and a communal amenity space are in current plans.
Feature Image Credit: 3D Design Bureau