
Building Information Ireland

Work begins on £41m ‘eco-friendly’ Queen’s University student accommodation in Belfast

By | Building Information Ireland

Work has commenced on a £41 million student accommodation for Queen’s University in Belfast.

Construction started on a 17-storey building providing 463 apartments with communal facilities as well as internal and external communal amenities spaces.

Work began in August 2024 with the first batch of students expected to make themselves home in September 2026.

The building will be erected on the Dublin Road.

Credit: RPP Architects - Belfast

Work has commenced on a £41 million student accommodation for Queens University in Belfast. Credit: RPP Architects – Belfast

Queen’s University Belfast have hailed the Passivhaus development as the “largest eco-friendly student accommodation on the island of Ireland”.

Passivhaus is a standard that means very little energy is used to maintain heating or cooling in the building due to insulation, appropriate windows, and ventilation systems with heat recovery among others.

Queen’s will share the site with tech giant Kainos, which is building its new headquarters.

Speaking at the sod-turning event, Queen’s President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Sir Ian Greer remarked that the accommodation will “transform” the area once known as Belfast’s Golden Mile.

Credit: Ray Matthews LinkedIn 15/08/24

Work began on August 2024 with the first batch of students expected to make themselves home in September 2026. Credit: Ray Matthews LinkedIn 15/08/24

“For the past 180 years, Queen’s has been renowned for providing a world-class education to our students and huge influence on the economic and social landscape of Belfast and beyond,” he said.

“This accommodation, together with Kainos’ new office space, will transform the landscape of Dublin Road, increase economic activity in the area through city-centre-living and deliver tangible benefits for the welfare of our people and planet.”

Liz McLaughlin, Director for Student and Campus Experience said the accommodation will help meet the increasing demand for student accommodation.

“Belfast is a lively, future-focussed city that year-on-year, is attracting a higher number of students, meaning Queen’s has seen increased demand for university accommodation,” she said.

Credit: Queen's University Belfast

Speaking at the sod-turning event, Queen’s President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Sir Ian Greer remarked that the accommodation will “transform” the area once known as Belfast’s Golden Mile. Credit: Queen’s University Belfast

“Our continued investment in first-rate accommodation and facilities offers prospective students high-quality, secure living quarters, alongside a transformative student experience.”

Feature Image Credit: RPP Architects – Belfast

Plans applied for new €190m film and TV studio in South Dublin

By | Building Information Ireland

Plans have been put forward for a brand new €190 million film and TV studio at Grange Castle Media Park in south Dublin.

Applicants Lens Media Ltd are seeking to construct a state-of-the-art stage and studio development on the 56-acre site in Newcastle, Co Dublin.

It will be known as ‘Dublin Fields’.

Plans include constructing six stage buildings, ranging in height between 20m and 23m and comprising 11 internal sound stages with overhead catwalks and two-storey production offices.

The combined floor space of these buildings will be around 35,187 square meters.

Another four buildings will work as workshops, varying in height from nine to 10.5 metres – these will include internal workshop areas, staff toilets and showers, ICT rooms, plant rooms, and switch rooms.

Building 4 will comprise a reception and three TV studios, each studio at 17.8 metres in flight. Spanning three floors, it will include a backstage shooting area, green rooms, hair and makeup rooms, production suites with ancillary offices, wardrobe and a laundry room.

On the ground floor, we will see technical support offices, both a vision and a lighting department, offices, sound control rooms, vision rooms, recording rooms and toilets.

Standard dressing rooms, post-production spaces, kitchen and crew area, toilets, mechanical/electrical room and technical office will be found on the first floor.

More star dressing rooms, TV post production, a lounge a kitchen and toilets will be on the second floor.

A single storey reception building will include guest holding areas, VIP and Guest service, security offices, staff toilets, showers and locker rooms.

A two-storey dining hall will feature indoor and outdoor dining areas, a kitchen, storage and mechanical rooms, toilets, and three meeting rooms on the ground floor. The first floor will offer office space and covered outdoor balconies. An ancillary 100-seat theatre will also be included in the building.

A standalone café will be constructed.

A three-storey car park will provide 438 car parking spaces, including 100 EV and 27 disabled spaces.

A vehicular, cyclist and pedestrian entrance will come from the new Grange Castle West Access Road, on the eastern boundary of the site.

Vehicular access will also be available at the southeastern corner of the site.

Lens Media, which is backed by Irish producer Alan Moloney (Siege of Jadotville and Brooklyn) and Oscar-nominated American Producer Gary Levinsohn (Saving Private Ryan), submitted plans to South Dublin City Council last month.

Feature Image Credit: MCA Architects

Building Information Index 2023 Q1-Q4

By | Building Information Ireland, Industry News

Building Information Index 2023: Highlights and Outlook

Overall: Positive short-term outlook, but concerns exist for the long term due to a decline in new applications, particularly in the residential sector.

Key Metrics:

  • Commencements: Up 21% across all sectors.
  • Granted permissions: Steady (1% increase).
  • New applications: Down 41% (52% decrease in residential).

Sector-specific findings:

  • Residential: Positive short-term outlook due to high commencements, but negative medium to long-term due to the sharp decline in applications.
  • Commercial & Retail: Positive short-term outlook due to high commencements, but negative medium to long-term due to a decline in applications.
  • Medical: Neutral outlook due to strong current activity but a weakening pipeline with fewer applications and grants.
  • Education: Neutral outlook due to stable funding and pipeline despite a decrease in applications.
  • Agriculture: Positive outlook due to increases in all metrics.
  • Industrial: Positive outlook due to strong demand and increases in all metrics.
  • Social: Positive outlook due to strong demand and increases in applications and grants, but commencements decreased in 2023.

Additional notes:

  • The average time from application to commencement is 75 weeks across all sectors.
  • The LRD scheme appears to be functioning more efficiently than the previous SHD scheme.
  • Material costs and labour shortages are ongoing challenges for the industry.

Overall message: While current activity is strong, the decline in new applications paints a difficult picture for the future. More needs to be done to encourage and facilitate new projects, particularly in the residential sector.

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Credit: O'Mahony Pike

Plans applied for nearly 1,000 new apartments in Blanchardstown

By | Building Information Ireland

Plans for almost 1000 new apartments in Blanchardstown have been put forward.

BNY Mellon-owned Blanche Retail Nominee Ltd submitted an application to Final County Council for a €274m mixed-use development at what is known as the White Car Park (for Retail Park 2) and a section of surrounding roads.

With a site area of 6.62ha, the proposed Large-scale Residential Development (LRD) will see the construction of a new development for 971 apartments in seven different buildings ranging from one to 16 storeys in height (Blocks A-G).

Of these apartments, plans see 117 studios, 368 one-beds, 422 two-beds, and 64 three-beds.

Another seven commercial units are included in the current plans as well as a childcare facility, a community facility and a Place of Worship.

Further amenity floorspace will be provided to serve the residential units in Blocks A, B, D, E and F.

In a part one to part sixteen storey building, Block A will have 246 apartments (30 studio, 95 one-bed, 96 two-bed, and 25 three-beds apartment units) as well as the childcare facility and one commercial unit on the ground floor.

There will be an external roof terrace on the twelfth floor.

In a part six to part twelve-storey building, Block B has 101 apartments (64 one-beds, 32 two-beds and five three-beds) and an external roof terrace on the eighth floor.

In a part six to part eight-storey building, Block C consists of 38 apartments (two studios, 16 one-beds, 18 two-beds and two three-beds) and two commercial units at the ground level and a roof terrace on the sixth floor.

In a part eleven to part fourteen-storey building, Block D has 76 apartments (one studio, 71 two-beds and four three-beds).

In a part one to part eleven-storey building, Block E comprises of 204 apartments (38 studios, 61 one-beds, 91 two-beds and 14 three-beds) and a roof terrace on the eighth floor.

In a part one to part eight storey building, Block F has 114 apartments (30 studios, 41 one-beds, 34 two-beds and nine three-beds) with a roof terrace on the fourth floor.

Credit: Visual Lab

Of these apartments, plans see 117 studios, 368 one-beds, 422 two-beds, and 64 three-beds. Credit: Visual Lab

Finally, Block G, in a part five to part twelve-storey building, will have 192 apartments (16 studios, 91 one-beds, 80 two-beds and five three-beds), a commercial unit at ground floor level and two roof terraces – on the ninth and eleventh floor respectively.

All apartments will be provided with a balcony or a private terrace.

Plans also aspire to construct a Mobility Hub of seven levels with a total of 546 car parking spaces.

It will also be the location of three commercial units and the aforementioned place of worship and community facility.

Cycle parking will also be available and access to a roof garden area.

A further 487. car parking spaces for the residential units are provided in the basement level of Blocks A, B, C, E, F and G.

The site of the application is bound by Blanchardstown Road South to the northwest and Retail Park 2 and existing surface parking to the north/north-east, provisions for a new access road junction from Blanchardstown Road South are also included in the development plans.

The submission comes after Fingal County Council recently gave Blanche Retail Nominee Ltd the go-ahead for 348 new apartments in a mixed-use development in the northwest Dublin suburb in October of this year.

Building Information Index 2022 Q1-Q2

By | Building Information Ireland, Industry News

High inflation rates among other problems have hit the construction sector following the end of the COVID-19 slump, Building Information’s new index has found.

In the newly-published Building Information Index Q1-Q2 for 2022, significant pressures have been seen in the rising costs seen in the first six months of this year. 

With the Society of Chartered Surveyors finding that construction price inflation is now running at 14%, Building Information Ireland CEO Danny O’Shea said this provided a backdrop to their half-year report of the industry. 

“Covid restrictions appear to be well and truly behind us now, but challenges remain in terms of inflation, supply chain and labour skills,” he said. 

Mr O’Shea pointed to data and recent reports from BNP Paribas Real Estate Ireland 

Construction PMI in June and July suggest huge difficulties for the sector in the summer months.

However, the same report also sees inflation easing in the coming months. 

“This should hopefully release some pressure on both suppliers and contractors in the  construction sector as we progress through the latter half of 2022.”

Commencement of projects has increased by just 65%, which is relatively static once inflation is stripped from the picture. 

However, after two years of the sector largely coming to a stand still during rolling lockdowns, the industry has perked up with a substantial 50% national increase in application activity compared to the first half of 2021

This is an increase from €13.6bn to €20.5bn year on year.

All regions of the island showed growth with Dublin seeing the largest at a 79% increase. 

Connacht and Ulster remain largely unchanged with a marginal increase of just 1% – which is actually a decrease in projects once inflation is taken out of costs. 

Although the rest of the country saw a decrease in granted permissions, they were up year-on-year nationally by 3% in thanks to Munster.



Despite a slight decrease in unit putput, the outlook for residential properties has remained positive with planning applications up 68% in the first six months of 2022 compared to 2021. 

This increase is substantially driven by Strategic Housing Developments (SHD) and the new  new Large Residential Developments – all of which have units of 100 or more. 

Dublin and Cork have seen the majority of new applications, showing gains of 94% and 95% in the Dublin and Munster regions respectively. 

While granted applications increased by 5% nationally for the year, Munster has seen a significant rise in comparison to the rest of the country.

Commencements are up a marginal 2% in the same period. 

Building Info’s analysis sees a possible 15% increase in activity in the short term with delays in planning and limitations of delivery hindering estimates.



Turning to the education sector, the outlook remains overwhelmingly positive with high levels of activity expected to continue into 2023. 

Commencements rose by 170% nationally when compared to 2021 – a further increase from 2020.

Planning applications were down nationally by 30% but granted applications rose by 43%. All regions have felt this increase with the exception of Dublin which is down 17%. 



When looking at agriculture, all metrics have seen significant decreases with planning applications down 56%.

Granted applications also fell by 43% for the year with all regions feeling this steep decline.

On the commencement front, the six months of 2022 saw a 17% national decline. 

Inflation of steel prices has seemed to contribute to this downturn. 

One consolation that can be taken for the sector is that turn around times have improved.



The industrial sector is continuing into 2022 with strong growth with planning applications up 15%.

Dublin benefited the most with a recorded 72% increase.

Although granted applications are down 19% nationally, commencements are up a significant 76%.

Strong activity is seen in Cork with Munster overall enjoying huge gains of 185%. 

Turnaround times are just three weeks longer than the industry average at 66 weeks. 


Commercial & Retail 

After taking a significant hit in the last two years, the commerical and retail sector has appeared to turn a corner in the first half of 2022. 

Planning applications are up 27% compared to the same period in 2021.  While this growth was felt in Dublin and Munster, Leinster and Connacht Ulster continued to show decreases of 10% and 38% respectively. 

Granted applications also increased in line with inflation. 

While national commencement activity is down, a growth of 20% in Dublin is hoped to be reflected in the rest of the country in the near future. 

In other sectors, medical construction looks neutral in the short term with current activity slowing slightly in 2022. 

Meanwhile, activity and demand are both down significantly in the social sector when comparing the first halves of 2022 and 2021. 

Information in the Building Information Index is gathered by measuring the actual (estimated) monetary build value of every construction project per sector. The data is taken by BuildingInfo from real time planning and project information. 

Projects with a value of less than €200,000 were not included from this index, with the exception of the agriculture sector.

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Building Information Index 2021 Q1-Q4

By | Building Information Ireland

A new report has spelt positive news for the construction industry with planning applications as a whole on the rise.

After two years marred by COVID-19 lockdowns, Building Information Index 2021 Q1-Q4’s has an optimistic outlook for the industry in 2022 as restrictions come to an end.

In the index released this week, it was found that there is the capacity for an 18% surge in construction levels across Ireland by the end of this year.

This boost comes off the back of a steady rise in planning applications in 2021 which saw the total value of new planning applications rise 44% higher from 2020.

All regions benefitted from this increase, with the exception of Connact/Ulster which saw an 8% drop in new applications.

Residential planning applications were up 54% in 2021 with Dublin and Cork (Munster) showing impressive gains of 75% and 76% respectively.

This substantial rise is largely attributed to the number of Strategic Housing Development applications submitted in the last year, particularly in the later months.

However, while applications are on the rise, commencements remain static at €10.5 billion – no change from 2020 and a 10% decrease from 2019.

Furthermore, residential unit projects with over 33,000 units started work in 2021 – an almost identical figure to 2020 and 2019.

Employment in the sector is also down 16% when compared to pre-pandemic levels which will forecast limits and possible delays to projects for 2022.

The report speaks of anecdotal evidence showing major administrative delays in processing larger projects, particularly Strategic Housing Developments.

Building Information CEO Danny O’Shea said: “Our year-end 2021 Building Information Index is showing more cause for optimism in the industry when compared with previous years.”

“Hopefully, the lockdowns are behind us now and we can focus and plan 2022 with a better degree of certainty than has been the case for quite some time.”

Mr O’Shea continued: “However, as noted, we must be mindful that while the demand is there, and the intent of the industry to deliver that demand is certainly present, we may have shortfalls in terms of labour, skills and materials that must be overcome.”

Sadly, not all factions of the industry have seen positive growth in the last year with the commercial and retail sector continuing its downward trajectory into 2021.

Planning applications were down 11% last year from 2020 and was felt in all regions except for Munster.

Granted applications also remained the same in both 2020 and 2021.

Building Info expects a further 15% decline in construction activity throughout 2022 with no presumption of a turn-around in the short or mid-term.

Meanwhile, the industrial sector is booming with new applications rising by 27% in 2021, in particular from  IT, manufacturing and pharmaceutical companies.

Regionally, Munster experienced a significant increase of 110% in applications last year.

Furthermore, granted applications are up 52% with turnaround times also relatively short for industrial projects at 63 weeks.

For 2022, the Index indicates a 37% growth for the sector in 2022.

The agricultural sector experienced a slight decline nationally in 2021 of 4%. Granted applications were also down 7% with Munster suffering the brunt at -26%.

For both the medical and education sectors, 2021 was a relatively steady year with no further declines expected for either in 2022.

However, the turnaround times in the medical sector are 15 weeks slower than the industry average.

For the social sector, a slow recovery is most likely after it experienced significant blows during the pandemic. In 2021, new applications increased by 60%.

This data was compiled from real-time planning and project information by BuildingInfo with the estimated monetary build value of every construction project per sector in the country measured.

Projects with a value of less than €200,000 were omitted from the index, with the exception of the agricultural sector.


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Medical Construction Projects Commenced

By | Building Information Ireland, Industry News

Medical Construction Projects

The table below provides a sample of Medical Construction projects commenced in the last 3 months.  Each of these Medical Construction projects has a construction value of greater than €1 million.  At Building Information Ireland we provide our subscribers with full details on all Medical Construction projects taking place throughout Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Project ID Title Location Start Date
31 €21.9m Nursing Home Project in Co. Dublin Old Ballymun Rd 08/10/18
94766 €11.3m Care Home Development in Co. Dublin Cabra 03/09/18
62734 €11m Care Home Development in Co. Dublin Monastery Park 30/10/18
52756 €6.2m Medical Centre in Co. Cork Inchydoney Rd 28/08/18
91737 €4.3m Care Home Extension in Co. Cork Belgooly 27/08/18
49241 €2m Nursing Home Extension in Co. Wicklow Arklow 31/10/18
98395 €1.3m Dental Surgery Alterations in Co. Limerick Castletroy  04/10/18
85337 €1.1m Care Centre Alterations in Co. Dublin Kilternan  15/08/18
92858 €1.16m Respite Care Centre Alterations in Co. Clare Scarriff 05/10/18

To access details on all of the projects listed above please register for your FREE TRIAL here.